For over 25 years we’ve been creating products that inspire joy, designed with functionality in mind .

We began in 1998 with our first bookholder. Our founder – Gary – was a student, finding reading a literal pain in the neck. "Use a bookholder," his physiotherapist said, and Gary dutifully went to buy one. But it didn’t look that great. And it wasn’t well-designed. So he created a better one – the Bookchair®. And everyone loved it.
Since then, we like to think we have started a revolution in reading accessories, then tablet and phone accessories and now different types of tech accessories. We have won numerous awards over the years for our fun but functional product. We continue to design and launch unique product each year, and set a high standard for them. Many are the best in their category, and are stocked by household name retail outlets across dozens of countries around the world.